Utah Ignite-UTOPIA Smart Community Gigabit Competition
There is $25,000 in funding to develop applications or technologies that can be deployed on the UTOPIA Fiber Network. Technologies must require high speed internet
In Funding
(This challenge is funded by the National Science Foundation through a grant to US Ignite)
Information Webinar/Conference Call
Date: November 5, 2018 at 3pm
Dial-in number: (515) 739-1225
Access code: 388977#
Online meeting ID: peterajay
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/peterajay
Utah Ignite-UTOPIA Smart Community Gigabit Applications
- Applications Open: October 10, 2018
- Information Meeting/Webinar: November 5, 2018 at 3pm
- Due Date: Monday, November 19, 2018, Midnight
Application Form: Apply Here

What We Are Looking For
Smart Community Gigabit or Ultra-Low Latency Applications; Streaming Interactive Virtual or Augmented Reality; Applications where
Interactive video, 4K video, 360 degree video, or 3D video is required; Interactive Big Data Visualization; Smart City Internet of Things doing real-time ultra-low latency control of actuators, signs, signals, etc. (Cyber-physical Systems); Anything that couldn’t run effectively on less than gigabit-class networking that can be tested and deployed on the UTOPIA Fiber Network.

The End Product Must Have a Gigabit Application
A gigabit application or service should make a significant impact in education (including workforce development), healthcare, transportation, public safety, clean energy, advanced manufacturing, or have other direct visible impact that will be widely appreciated by Utah citizens.
Utah Ignite
Utah Ignite is a partnership between the Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce and US Ignite, a program under the National Science Foundation. Utah Ignite is one of about 25 Smart Gigabit Communities (SGC) throughout the United States.
“US Ignite spurs the creation of next-generation applications and services that leverage advanced networking technologies to build the foundation for smart communities, including cities, rural areas, regions, and states. The nonprofit organization helps to accelerate new wired and wireless networking advances from research to prototype to full-scale smart community and interconnected national deployments.”
Utah Ignite is also an important part of the Utah Smart City Eco-System. As a Gigabit Community, Utah Ignite Exists to Find the New Light Bulbs for the Internet Age. “Electricity is history. Today we face the next-generation infrastructure: gigabit networks. Global visionaries here in Utah see the need for these communication networks, even as they struggle to explain the “light bulb” that will make it plain why a super-fast Internet network is as necessary as running water and a universal electric grid.”
UTOPIA is the largest “open access” fiber network in the country. Open access means ISPs can lease the fiber to offer internet to their customers. UTOPIA represents the future of the internet (see UTOPIAnet.org). It has infrastructure in 20 Utah cities, with more being added. It has about 90,000 homes connected with capacity for 10 GB internet speed. The UTOPIA network can also act as a platform for testing and deploying IoT and Smart City technologies. It has already deployed a number of air quality sensors on its network for use by local cities.
You can be a part of what UTOPIA is doing for Smart Cities, IoT, and sensor deployment in Utah.
Utopia Fiber Network Map

UTOPIA Smart City Gigabit Competition Details
Award: $25,000. (Funds are provided by US Ignite, under the National Science Foundation. Awards will go through Utah Ignite under the Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce). The $25,000 will be split between 2 or 3 winners!
Process: Utah Ignite will begin taking applications as early as October 10. An information meeting and webinar will be held on Monday, November 29, at 3pm. The Final Applications will be due by midnight on Monday, November 19. The winners will be showcased and announced in early December.
Judging: A panel of judges from Utah Ignite, US Ignite, and UTOPIA will decide the winners.