US Ignite Application Development Awards

US Ignite will begin accepting submissions for the US Ignite Application Development Awards on January 15th 2018.

The awards offer up to 10k in funding for gigabit application development teams with written acknowlegements with the community for the development of their gigabit application or service.

Submissions will remain open until February 16th and results of proposal reviews will be sent out by end of March.

These awards are open to Application Teams in NSF Funded SGC Cities, including Utah Ignite, who have agreed to participate in the SGC effort to build and share gigabit applications and services.

Application developers interested in submitting a proposal should complete the Application Development Awards Proposal Template with the help of Utah Ignite.  Utah Ignite is available for advice or questions as is US Ignite.  Once the proposal is complete, upload the completed proposal template and anything in writing from the team indicating they are willing to participate in the SGC app development and sharing (email is fine).

Submissions must be uploaded to US Ignite, by Utah Ignite.

Please feel free to reach out to Utah Ignite to work with them to identify opportunities to work with the city as a testbed for deployment of your gigabit application.

For more see the following:

* Application Development Awards Description
* Application Development Awards Proposal Template
* Utah Ignite MOU

Developers should reach out to Utah Ignite for assistance and more information.

Utah Ignite Contact: [email protected]